The Costume Plot
The Costume Plot
REUPLOAD: 41: Hello Dolly & Anne of Green Gables
Wow! How embarrassing! I uploaded the wrong audio track somehow! Whoops! Here is the actual episode! - Sarah
Here we are with a very fun episode featuring fan-requested movies, Hello Dolly and Anne of Green Gables (the 1985 miniseries). Join us as we discuss period-does-period costuming, Laura Ashley, and Barbra Streisand's long nails!
Follow along with the visual analysis via these links!
Hello Dolly: Instagram, Pinterest
Anne of Green Gables: Instagram, Pinterest
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Jojo Siu on IG @jojosiucostumes
Sarah Timm on IG @breathcue, on Twitter @SarahTSews
The Costume Plot on Youtube, Instagram, and Twitter
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