The Costume Plot
The Costume Plot
73: The Princess Diaries & 27 Dresses
It's time for some fun chick flicks today! Join us as we get into the costumes in The Princess Diaries and 27 Dresses, discussing Harry Winston, Gone with the Wind, and of course, the many charms of James Marsden.
Note: something that came up when Sarah looked for IG accounts to tag from these designers is that DeBora Rachelle was a huge name in prom dress designers! Explains why her work is in 27 Dresses. Sorry we missed the chance to chat about that!
Follow along with the visual analysis via these links!
The Princess Diaries: Instagram, Pinterest coming soon
27 Dresses: Instagram, Pinterest coming soon
Questions? Comments? Suggestions for future episodes? Email thecostumeplot@gmail.com.
Follow us:
Jojo Siu on IG @jojosiucostumes
Sarah Timm on IG @breathcue, on Twitter @SarahTSews
The Costume Plot on Youtube, Instagram, and Twitter
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