The Costume Plot
The Costume Plot
77: Legally Blonde & 10 Things I Hate About You
We're back in the era of our formative youth, aka the Y2K era, to visit and dissect the costumes of Legally Blonde & 10 Things I Hate About You. Join us as we dive in to Trashy Lingerie, Shakespeare's inspiration, and a third thing (for comedy)! Alert: baby on board for much of this episode! She was a very thoughtful guest. Lots of opinions on platform flip flops.
Follow along with the visual analysis via these links!
Legally Blonde: Instagram, Pinterest
10 Things: Instagram, Pinterest
Questions? Comments? Suggestions for future episodes? Email thecostumeplot@gmail.com.
Follow us:
Jojo Siu on IG @jojosiucostumes
Sarah Timm on IG @breathcue, on Twitter @SarahTSews
The Costume Plot on Youtube, Instagram, and Twitter
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